Travelling Tropes: Transregional Movements of Tropes, Myths and Symbols

Welcome to MOVE seminar Thursday 10 December, 12:15 – 15:00!

Rembrandt van Rijn: King Cyrus and the Prophet Daniel. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The December MOVE seminar will focus on religious tropes, myths and symbols that move across regions and continents and that are re-appropriated for political purposes at another time and place. How do we understand the diffusion, circulation and spread of such tropes? How do tropes, myths and symbols that spread over large distances change? (How) do travelling tropes shed their history as their go, and how do they become meaningful in new contexts? How do media and mediation matter? How do we grasp agency, reciprocity, cross-polination and counter-flows?  

Based on short presentations of diverse case studies, the seminar aims to develop and refine theoretical grasps on tropes that travel.

The seminar is digital event, taking place in Zoom:


12:15  Welcome from Liv Ingeborg & Kristin

12:30   Panel 1

Moumita Sen: “Virulent, Vibrant, Viral: The Aesthetics and Politics of Anti-Muslim Memes”

Iselin Frydenlund: “‘Love Jihad’: A Traveling Trope in Global Islamophobia?”

Eviane Leidig: “Tropes of Love Jihad Flowing between India and the West” (preliminary title)

Discussion (25 min)

13:25-13:45 Break

13:45   Panel 2

Sami al-Daghistani: “Political Re-articulations of Jihād and Sharī’a in the Middle East and South Asia”

Kristin B. Aavitsland: “Jerusalem Tropes as Political Legitimation Strategies in Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavia”

Kristin Joachimsen: “Complex Imaginations of Cyrus in Current US Politics: Tributing Trump, Mocking the Present Islamic Regime of Iran”

Discussion (25 min)

14:45 Bibliography building

15:00 End of seminar